This is a poster of a painting by Amado Pena. It is named "Peoplescape One".
I have a poster of an American Indian woman carrying water in the desert by Amado Pena. He was kind enough to give me permission to show it to you. His beautiful work can be seen at his website and you can view it here (
I have loved this poster for thirty years, and for the longest time, could not have told you why. The answer has been slowly unfolding in my life, especially as I have become a photographer. My photographs are like the water. I just work on the habit and craft of going out to get them. And then I made the book, and now I am making this website... just the ways to carry my pictures.
There's a lot of water in the world... a lot of juice and flow and energy and beauty and movement. Those of us living on the ocean and in the desert know that water is life. I think it's our job and very great joy to carefully build our own containers and to stay with it until we know how to hold and carry this most precious thing, each in our own way, to each other.
Blue and Blue, taken in the early morning on September 26th, 2011 on Block Island off of Mansion Beach.