Evening, Mansfield Hollow, Connecticut, June 17, 2011.
Today I walked with a friend and I said some things I was feeling. She said, "exactly". And she said how she was feeling and I said it was like that for me also. It was like we were reflecting each other.
I have heard it said that people need to be seen into existence. I think that means we can't know who we are in secret. We also say that we "see each other through" things. Isn't that true...isn't that interesting, how we reserve this phrase for what we do for each other at the most difficult times in our lives?
I wonder if the water and the sky are friends for each other, if they know themselves better by knowing each other. I hope so. They are both so beautiful; it would be a shame if they didn't know it. Perhaps they say what each of them sees in the other ... that they have a place... they belong right here... that they are not alone. A friend can help with all of that.